Prevent Inventory Hoarding with Arkose Labs

Inventory hoarding, also known as denial of inventory, can cost companies millions of dollars in lost revenue. When cyberattackers deceitfully lock up inventory and prevent legitimate consumers from accessing goods and services, your business can suffer significant financial harm—not to mention the long-term damage it can wreak on your brand and the customer experience.

Arkose Labs helps businesses stop bots from stealing inventory, using a layered approach to protect retail, ecommerce, travel, entertainment, gaming, and other industries from these sophisticated attacks. We combine a global risk engine with adaptive challenges to deter attackers. Our platform profiles activity, detects suspicious behavior, and presents targeted friction, making large-scale attacks costly and difficult while ensuring a seamless experience for genuine consumers.

Credential Stuffing $1M Warranty

Credential Stuffing $1M Warranty

Arkose Labs is the only ATO software vendor to offer a limited warranty that covers losses in the event of a successful account credentials attack.

  • Most robust protection against credential stuffing
  • Up to $1 million in covered losses reimbursed
  • Covers lost funds and operational costs
  • Offered within a Professional Services package


Arkose Bot Manager: Unmatched Denial of Inventory Protection

Arkose Bot Manager is an AI-powered platform that provides comprehensive bot prevention and account security. It offers advanced techniques like:


Experience superior detection power, risk insights, and user-friendly enforcement for enhanced security against inventory hoarding.

Inventory Hoarding Software Technology Highlights

Arkose Labs offers advanced solutions to detect and prevent inventory hoarding and related attacks. Our system analyzes incoming traffic, flags suspicious activity, and implements effective measures. Here are the key highlights of our approach.

Adaptive Step-up Challenges and MFA

Adaptive Step-up Challenges and MFA

Combat scripted attacks and trained bots with step-up challenges from Arkose MatchKey. These CAPTCHAs and custom puzzles confuse bots while ensuring a seamless experience for genuine users.

Global Threat Intelligence

Global Threat Intelligence

Stay ahead with our comprehensive threat intelligence database, continuously updated to identify potential botnet threats and take appropriate action.

Machine Learning & AI

Machine Learning & AI

Harness the power of machine learning and AI to detect and classify patterns of suspicious behavior, effectively mitigating bot attacks.

Behavioral Biometrics

Behavioral Biometrics

Strengthen account takeover protection with behavioral biometrics. Analyzing unique user behavior patterns, such as mouse movements and keystrokes, helps differentiate humans from automated bots.

Real-time Analysis

Real-time Analysis

Continuously monitor user behavior and interactions as they happen. Our real-time risk analysis solutions consider device fingerprinting, geolocation, user behavior patterns, and threat intelligence to promptly detect and respond to potential attacks.

Other Use Cases

Fake Account Creation

Fake Account Creation

Stop cyberattackers from creating fake accounts used to commit fraud and abuse.

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Bonus Abuse

Bonus Abuse

Ensure your promotional offers and incentives go to legitimate customers, not bad actors.

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SMS Toll Fraud

SMS Toll Fraud

Defend against international revenue share fraud (IRSF) and other forms of SMS fraud.

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Account Takeover

Account Takeover

Prevent unauthorized access to customer accounts to safeguard against fraud.

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Loyalty Point Theft

Loyalty Point Theft

Preserve the integrity of rewards and maintain a secure environment for your customers.

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Web Scraping & Content Theft

Web Scraping & Content Theft

Identify and stop automated website scraping attempts with unprecedented certainty.

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GPT Prompt Compromise

GPT Prompt Compromise

Get pioneering protection and proactive defense for your GPT applications.

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Safeguard your consumers from credential theft and intercepted MFA codes.

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API Security

API Security

Gain powerful protection for your web and mobile-facing APIs.

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Inventory Hoarding

Inventory Hoarding

Deliver your inventory into the hands of genuine customers, not bots.

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Fake Listings & Reviews

Fake Listings & Reviews

Protect your brand reputation and promote honest feedback from real customers.

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Why Use Our Inventory Hoarding Solutions?

Keep bots out of your shopping carts—and immediately see happier customers and higher revenue numbers.

Why Use Our Inventory Hoarding Solutions?
Fair Market Access

Fair Market Access

Ensure equal market opportunity for genuine customers by preventing bots or scalpers from artificially creating scarcity and driving up prices.

Better Customer Experience

Better Customer Experience

Enhance the user experience by making sure desired products or services are available to genuine customers when they need them.

Cost Savings

Cost Savings

Avoid potential losses associated with excessive discounts, price erosion, or unsold inventory, for significant cost savings and improved financial performance.

Improved Brand Reputation

Improved Brand Reputation

Demonstrate your commitment to fair practices, customer satisfaction, and maintaining a level playing field.

Data-Driven Insights

Data-Driven Insights

Get insights into bot activity, inventory patterns, and potential vulnerabilities so you can make informed decisions, optimize inventory management, and refine strategies.

Regulatory Compliance

Regulatory Compliance

If your industry imposes regulations or guidelines regarding fair market practices, you improve compliance with such requirements and maintain ethical standards.

Stop Bots, Not Customers with Arkose Labs