Arkose Labs helps stop fraud and abuse through
fake account registrations.

Fake account creation poses a significant threat to both your business and your customers. You need a robust attack detection method to defend against fraudulent accounts used for malicious activities like identity theft, phishing, financial scams, and promotional abuse. Arkose Labs offers strong, long-term protection from the disruptions and damages associated with automated bot attacks and human fraud farms.

Through a combination of the global risk engine and adaptive step-up challenges, Arkose Labs significantly raises the cost for cybercriminals attempting to orchestrate large-scale attacks. The Arkose Bot Manager solution leverages insights gained from its global risk engine to accurately understand the underlying intent and assign risk scores. Arkose MatchKey delivers step-up challenges for suspicious sessions, instantly deflecting automated large-scale attacks. While genuine users can clear challenges quickly, fraudsters must invest significant time and resources. This makes the attack economically less attractive, forcing attackers to give up.

$1M Card Testing Warranty

$1M Card Testing Warranty

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$1M SMS Toll Fraud Warranty

$1M SMS Toll Fraud Warranty

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$1M Credential Stuffing Warranty

$1M Credential Stuffing Warranty

Read About Warranty Benefits

Technology Highlights

The Arkose Bot Manager platform provides the most effective protection against large-scale fake account registrations. Advanced risk profiling identifies sessions showing signs of malicious activity and informs any step-up authentication requirements. Targeted enforcement challenges block automated and fraud farm-driven attacks and prevent fraudsters from attacking at scale.

Identify New Account Fraud

Identify New Account Fraud

Sophisticated risk decisioning is combined with intelligent step-up challenges

Detect Bulk Account Creation Attacks

Detect Bulk Account Creation Attacks

Long-term protection that prevents fraudsters from scaling up attacks

Stop Single Request Attacks

Stop Single Request Attacks

Stamp out scripted attacks, trained bots and fraud farm activity

Utilize Behavioral Biometrics

Utilize Behavioral Biometrics

Unique patterns indicate whether the session aligns with a human or a bot

Get Real-Time Analysis

Get Real-Time Analysis

Techniques include device fingerprinting, geolocation, and known threat intelligence

Leverage the Power of ML & AI

Leverage the Power of ML & AI

Machine learning and artificial intelligence help detect suspicious behavior

Other Use Cases

Fake Account Creation

Fake Account Creation

Stop cyberattackers from creating fake accounts used to commit fraud and abuse.

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Bonus Abuse

Bonus Abuse

Ensure your promotional offers and incentives go to legitimate customers, not bad actors.

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SMS Toll Fraud

SMS Toll Fraud

Defend against international revenue share fraud (IRSF) and other forms of SMS fraud.

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Account Takeover

Account Takeover

Prevent unauthorized access to customer accounts to safeguard against fraud.

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Loyalty Point Theft

Loyalty Point Theft

Preserve the integrity of rewards and maintain a secure environment for your customers.

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Web Scraping & Content Theft

Web Scraping & Content Theft

Identify and stop automated website scraping attempts with unprecedented certainty.

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GPT Prompt Compromise

GPT Prompt Compromise

Get pioneering protection and proactive defense for your GPT applications.

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Safeguard your consumers from credential theft and intercepted MFA codes.

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API Security

API Security

Gain powerful protection for your web and mobile-facing APIs.

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Inventory Hoarding

Inventory Hoarding

Deliver your inventory into the hands of genuine customers, not bots.

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Fake Listings & Reviews

Fake Listings & Reviews

Protect your brand reputation and promote honest feedback from real customers.

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Credential Stuffing $1M Warranty

Credential Stuffing $1M Warranty

Arkose Labs is the only ATO software vendor to offer a limited warranty that covers losses in the event of a successful account credentials attack.

  • Most robust protection against credential stuffing
  • Up to $1 million in covered losses reimbursed
  • Covers lost funds and operational costs
  • Offered within a Professional Services package

Stop Bots, Not Customers with Arkose Labs