Arkose Bot Manager

Arkose Labs Makes It Too Costly to Attack You

The Arkose Bot Manager platform cuts attacks off at the source by making cybercriminals expend massive effort to conduct their offensives. This erodes their ROI until the attack is no longer economically viable. This is a fundamental shift in fraud prevention that plays a long game against malicious actors.



Fake Account Registrations | Bonus Abuse | Credential Testing


  • Understand true intent of new users
  • Detect bulk fake account opening
  • Reduce downstream fraud and costs


Account Takeover | Credential Stuffing | Loyalty Point Theft | Payment Fraud


  • Protect accounts in real time
  • Eliminate large-scale attacks
  • Improve customer login experience


Spam | Fake Listing & Reviews | API Abuse | Web Scraping | Inventory Hoarding | In-Game Abuse and RMT | GPT Prompt Compromise


  • Protect the integrity of platforms
  • Eradicate malicious bot traffic
  • Safeguard customers from scams

Stop Bots, Not Good Users

Combining a dynamic risk engine with adaptive attack mitigation, the Arkose Bot Manager platform does the heavy lifting for you, distinguishing good vs. bad intent through multi-layered detection that aggregates real-time signals to spot hidden signs of bot and human-driven attacks. Legitimate customers seamlessly interact with digital properties – but when suspicious traffic is encountered, the platform expertly confronts it in real-time via a state-of-the-art series of challenges with industry-leading security.

The result is a secure and smooth digital experience for good users, while stamping out abuse in all its forms on your website and apps.

Defense-in-Depth Detection, Dynamic Response

Arkose Labs delivers long-term account protection and attack deterrence by undermining the economic drivers behind cyberattacks. Our platform combines sophisticated decisioning, threat intelligence and dedicated expertise to detect persistent bots and coordinated human attacks on the most targeted user touch points on websites and apps. Invisible risk assessments allow good users to pass through seamlessly. High-risk traffic is triaged for active attack response using innovative enforcement challenges that deter future attempts.

Defense-in-Depth Detection, Dynamic Response

Real-Time Risk Classification

Arkose Bot Manager collects and analyzes real-time intelligence signals to unearth suspicious patterns. It accurately uncovers the underlying nature of the traffic, which helps you confidently determine the most appropriate response strategy.

Device Type Classification

Device Type Classification

Arkose Labs categorizes types of devices by class to detect randomized attributes; self-learning models identify outlier signatures. It works for desktop, mobile, gaming consoles and smart TVs.

Network Traffic Anomalies

Network Traffic Anomalies

A proprietary IP scoring system, combined with third-party reputation lists, monitors for abnormalities such as spoofing location or the use of IP addresses from data centers to residential proxies.

Customer Network Intelligence

Customer Network Intelligence

Arkose Labs aggregates and analyzes threat patterns across its global customer network, leveraging anonymized threat intelligence from over 4.1B IP addresses. Attacks on one customer can be defended across the entire customer base.

Risk Data Integration

Risk Data Integration

Flexible APIs can ingest data from proprietary customer or third-party risk engines to improve risk assessment accuracy and inform the challenge-response mechanism.

Never Choose Between Strong Security & User Experience

The combination of risk decisioning and targeted enforcement allows app security teams to be more aggressive against persistent attacks without fear of impacting good users. In the rare event of a false positive, Arkose Bot Manager’s user-centric secondary screening diminishes the risk of good users being stopped or impacting conversion rates.

Challenge interaction data trains the decision engine

Improve user experience by reducing reliance on MFA

High-risk traffic is challenged, never blocked

Targeted enforcement increases customer throughput by 20%+

Decisioning & Data Sharing

The Arkose Bot Manager platform is centered around a decision engine that processes real-time signals with our deep historical intelligence. With 125+ global rules out of the box, the platform detects signs of fraud on day 1 that others miss. Risk classifications are backed by deep sharing to make threat intelligence more actionable.

Dynamic Feedback

Dynamic Feedback

The system assesses anomalies from real-time signals, historical attack patterns and attacks across the Arkose Labs global customer network, utilizing a dynamic feedback loop that enhances its capacity to monitor and manage traffic.

Attack Pattern Correlation

Attack Pattern Correlation

Arkose Labs leverages collective insights across the global customer network, enhancing defenses by sharing detected attack strategies network-wide.

Response Orchestration

Response Orchestration

Combining real-time insights with the risk profile of the user, our defense determines the appropriate mitigation response. Behind the scenes, the SOC team is monitoring traffic flow and attack patterns to adjust signals and enforcement challenges accordingly.

Open Data Sharing

Open Data Sharing

Arkose Bot Manager provides 125+ risk signals for better visibility behind each risk score. All risk signals collected by Arkose Bot Manager can be ingested into existing models to improve decision accuracy early in the user journey, while providing better insight downstream.

Dynamic Attack Response

Arkose Bot Manager provides full-spectrum detection plus the power of user-centric challenge-response to stop attacks before they cause damage. Good users sail through unchallenged, but the platform provides secondary screening and targeted attack response to attack traffic that breaks the economics of bot and human-driven attacks.

Attack Defense

Attack Defense

Bots are presented with a deep bench of challenges that machines are unable to solve. This forces attackers to retrain models and invest more time and money in an attempt to circumnavigate challenges.

Feedback Loop

Feedback Loop

Feedback loops create a dynamic and proactive environment where the system is not just reactive but is continuously evolving based on new threats and data, enabling rapid adaptation to evolving attacks.

Real-Time Insights

Real-Time Insights

An open API platform enables customers to ingest honest data directly from Arkose Labs, with reporting and customer dashboards that provide a transparent view into attack detection and mitigation.

Attack SLA & Warranty

Attack SLA & Warranty

We stand by our customers with a contractually guaranteed attack SLA and industry-first warranties that cover up to $1M in the event of credential stuffing, card testing and SMS toll fraud attacks.

The Arkose Advantage

Powerful Collective Impact

Global Intelligence Network data consortium for intelligence sharing

Unrivaled Threat Research

Dedicated threat-hunting, disarmament and enforcement

Pioneering Technology

Proactively identifies attackers and effectively stops attacks

Transparent Risk Signals

Real-time threat and response visibility for downstream decisioning

Proven at Scale

Trusted by the world’s largest B2C and global brands

Global, Proactive Support

24/7/365 SOC meets all cyber and privacy regulations


$1M warranties per event for cyberattacks

Arkose Labs in Action

Fintech Beats ATOs

Fintech Beats ATOs

One of the world’s most prominent fintech firms was targeted by bots executing credential stuffing attacks at scale. Successful attacks led to the draining of customer funds and poor user experience.

Attack Impact

  • ATOs costs of $100K per week
  • Damaged relationships and lack of customer trust

Arkose Labs Result

  • 75% reduction in ATO attempts
  • Slashed compromised account costs
  • Minimal credential resetting led to significant resource savings
Global Payments Company Stomps Out SMS Fraud

Global Payments Company Stomps Out SMS Fraud

The fintech company selected Arkose Labs to ring up SMS toll fraud savings, significantly cutting costs while maintaining a seamless customer experience.

Attack Impact

  • Millions of dollars in annual loses
  • Legitimate customer experience harmed

Arkose Labs Result

  • $3.7M projected annual savings
  • 99.9% success rate in stopping sophisticated SMS fraud attacks
Arkose Labs Takes On EvilProxy

Arkose Labs Takes On EvilProxy

EvilProxy is a sophisticated and widely used MITM phishing-as-a-service kit that allows attackers to bypass MFA protections. Arkose Labs conducted an analysis of requests on three login endpoints of 250 suspicious domains.

Attack Impact

  • Only 10/250 – or 4% – of total suspicious domains detected

Arkose Labs Result

  • Detected 49 domains less than 30 days old (indicating they were likely created for attack)
  • Detected 191 short-lived URLS (indicating they served their attack purpose and soon disappeared)

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