
On-Demand Webinar: The Anatomy of an Account Takeover Attack

Account takeover attacks are the fuel that powers the wider financial fraud ecosystem. After compromising a financial account, attackers can steal and resell personal information, drain money from the account, make purchases, commit loan fraud, and a whole host of additional downstream attacks. It’s probably not surprising then that there have been 15 billion accounts compromised over the last year, which averages out at a staggering 475 ATO attacks per second.

In this session, we will take a deep dive into the various steps of account takeover fraud. Key takeaways for the audience include an analysis of the economics that fuel attacks, the different routes to monetization, and how both sophisticated bots and humans are used in launching attacks. We will also share best practices for how to successfully identify and stop ATO attacks before they affect your business and your customers, as well as proprietary data from the Arkose Labs network.


  • Karthik Rangarajan, Engineering Manager – Robinhood
  • Jeff Hudesman, CISO – Pinwheel
  • Todd Anderson, Chief Product Officer – LendIt Fintech
  • Ashish Jain, Chief Product Officer – Arkose Labs

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Account takeover attacks are the fuel that powers the wider financial fraud ecosystem. After compromising a financial account, attackers can steal and resell personal information, drain money from the account, make purchases, commit loan fraud, and a whole host of additional downstream attacks. It’s probably not surprising then that there have been 15 billion accounts compromised over the last year, which averages out at a staggering 475 ATO attacks per second.

In this session, we will take a deep dive into the various steps of account takeover fraud. Key takeaways for the audience include an analysis of the economics that fuel attacks, the different routes to monetization, and how both sophisticated bots and humans are used in launching attacks. We will also share best practices for how to successfully identify and stop ATO attacks before they affect your business and your customers, as well as proprietary data from the Arkose Labs network.


  • Karthik Rangarajan, Engineering Manager – Robinhood
  • Jeff Hudesman, CISO – Pinwheel
  • Todd Anderson, Chief Product Officer – LendIt Fintech
  • Ashish Jain, Chief Product Officer – Arkose Labs

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