Protecting Media and Streaming Businesses from Fraud and Abuse

The exponential growth of digital media services has created a highly competitive landscape. Promotional or bonus offers and ‘freemium’ models are common as media companies battle to attract new customers. These are popular with fraudsters who have been quick to exploit introductory offers stealing personal data, scrape content behind paywalls, and steal payment credentials – as well as disseminating spam to billions of potential victims.

Download this ebook to learn more about:

  • The most attacked customer touchpoint for media companies
  • Why more attacks happen on the mobile channel than in any other industry
  • How to effectively remediate fraud while not impacting the customer experience


Recommended Download


2021 Q1 Fraud and Abuse Report

In the Q1 2021 Fraud and Abuse Report, we take a detailed look into the most notable trends in digital fraud in Q4 2020.